How the Definition of Love Changes After Kids


By Serena Norr

Children can teach us so much about the dynamics of life; how to slow down, savor the little things throughout the day, and an overwhelming feeling of love, that, at times, can be indescribable where the meaning of “I love you” holds so much more weight. With Valentine’s Day coming up, we thought it was a good time to talk about love and how its definition has changed since having kids. We asked parents how their definition of love has changed after having children and their answers will have your heart melting.

1. I never knew what love was

“I know now that I never truly knew what love was until I had children,” says a mom of three in Westchester.

2. It’s all consuming

“Love with children is the most powerful, dynamic thing I ever experienced,” says Mary, mom of two.

3. Connects us to be honest

“It’s so important to be an example to my children in everything that I do, but they have truly taught me the value of honesty and how important it is to be truthful,” says June, mom of three.

4. Patience

“Having children can be overwhelming, and at times, challenging, grueling and unrewarding. The day to day is so hard but it’s taught me to have compassion, and overall to be patient and practice kindness in whatever I do,” mom of two in NYC.

5. It’s the most important thing

Life is hard but despite all of that, love is the most important thing. My kids have truly taught me the value of this,” says Angela, mom of four.

6. Love is pure

“Beyond everything else that I have going on in life, my kids have taught me that love, at its core, is the most magical and pure thing we can all ever experience. I’m forever grateful for this,” says a mom of two kids.

7. Time is so important

“The most profound lesson that my kids have ever taught me was that love is simple. It doesn’t matter what you buy them, the most important thing is the time that you spend with them. They grow up so quickly, so I really value the time to be with them, slow down and savor our silly moments,” says Julie, mom of two.

8. On the power of love

“Understanding loving someone so much that it can hurt!,” says Molly Kate Holmes, mom of three.

9. Understanding selflessness

“I think you realize what true selflessness is. It's also amazing to see what the love between D and I made. This tiny human that has so many pieces of both of us. It's amazing and really humbling in the toddler years,” says Kaylyn Reve' Walton, mom of one.

10. On tough love

“The tough part of love knowing you’re doing what’s best for them by giving them boundaries and saying no sometimes,” Jessica Robinson, mom of two.

11. It’s unconditional

“It’s a love I never thought possible! Big, limitless, and unconditional,” says Alexandra Walford Larralde, mom of two.

It’s so incredible how love changes after you have children. Not only does it open up your perspective to the world, it helps parents to slow down, connect and cherish the little things. This Valentine’s Day, we hope that you enjoy these special moments with your kiddos!

What about you? What has your children taught you about love?

Serena Norr is a writer/editor and mama to three girls. She charts their adventures on her blog, The Weekend Jaunts. You can also find her on Instagram.

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About Serena Norr

Serena Norr is a writer/editor and mama of three girls. She charts their adventures on her blog, The Weekend Jaunts. You can also find her on Instagram @WeekendJaunts.

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