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Baby Announcement at Work: Telling Coworkers You're Pregnant
Congratulations! Finding out that you're expecting is hard to keep to yourself, but before you share the news at your workplace, check out when your baby is likely to be due, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy. Soon, you'll be ready to tell everyone, so get inspired by these fun pregnancy announcement ideas.
1. Like a Boss
Your boss should be the first recipient of your good news. Make sure you deliver it in a non-cheeky way—she's going to have to run the ship without you! Perhaps you offer to take her out for lunch and spill the beans during the meal.
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2. Sweet Tooth
Place a jar full of blue and pink jellybeans on your desk with a note taped to the side that reads, “From me and my little jelly bean.” Send an email to your team members, informing them that you have candy at your desk and watch them slowly start wandering over.
3. Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Wait until the next staff meeting to share your news. When the head honcho asks if there are any announcements, raise your hand and tell your coworkers that you and your partner are expecting.
4. Mix It With a Gender Reveal
Wait until you find out your baby's gender and make two announcements at once. Armed with the results of your ultrasound, make cupcakes and add a few drops of red or blue food coloring to the batter. Bring in the homemade treats the following day and leave a note beside them.
5. Play an Old-fashioned Game of Telephone
If you work with a small group of people, tell one or two coworkers and let the gossip spread.
6. Everyone Loves Bagels!
Arrive to work with a bag of bagels in hand and leave them in the kitchen along with a signed note that reads, “These are the only food that my baby seems to want me to eat.”
7. There's No "I" in Team
Announce your pregnancy by writing a memo to your co-workers letting them know that a new member will be joining the team. List the due date as the newest member's start date, and see who catches on (probably the co-workers with children will be the first to figure it out).
8. Let Your Clothes Do the Talking
If your profession requires that you wear scrubs, swap out your solid colored outfit for a scrub top that features a baby theme. Keep mum until you're asked about your new style.
9. Where To?
Coworkers love to chat about upcoming vacation plans, so during the next travel edition gabfest let it slip that you're looking for "babymoon" ideas. In addition to travel advice, you'll surely get warm embraces and well wishes. One person's fun-loving office may be another person's buttoned-up work environment, so before setting one of these pregnancy announcement ideas into motion, make sure to suss out your own work situation to decide what's appropriate.
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