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37 Weeks Pregnant
At 37 weeks pregnant, your little one is almost ready to make their grand entrance into the world. This can be an exciting and overwhelming time for you and your partner. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about being 37 weeks pregnant, including your baby’s latest developments, symptoms you may experience, and tips for preparing for labor and delivery.
Highlights at 37 Weeks Pregnant
Check out a few highlights from this period in pregnancy:
Your little one is gaining fat to keep them warm after birth.
They may be in a head-down position now in preparation for delivery.
Around 37 weeks pregnant or in the next few weeks, your cervix may begin to dilate, and you may lose your mucus plug, a sign that labor is near.
At 37 weeks pregnant, make sure you know all about contractions so that you’re ready for when yours start. And keep your research going by checking out some labor positions and comfort measures you may want to use.
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37 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Your pregnancy is nearly at an end, but your little one is still busy growing and developing. Here's what's going on:
This week, your baby is probably gaining about half an ounce each day, adding fat and plumping up before birth.
Keep in mind that although you’re super close to your due date at 37 weeks pregnant, your pregnancy is still considered to be in the “early term” stage and won’t be considered “full term” until the start of 39 weeks.
Your baby’s lungs, brain, and nervous system continue to develop at 37 weeks. Their brain will continue to grow until they’re 2 years old.
Your baby has now shed most of the lanugo, the fine body hair that has covered their little body while in your uterus.
Your baby is now able to make grasping motions with their fingers. Plus, they may also respond to bright lights in the outside world by moving or turning toward the light.
If your little one hasn’t done so already, they may be shifting into a head-down position in preparation for labor.
How Many Months Is 37 Weeks Pregnant?
Are you wondering what 37 weeks pregnant is in months? Though the weeks of pregnancy don't divide neatly into months, at this point, you’re generally considered 9 months pregnant.
Baby's Size at 37 Weeks Pregnant
At 37 weeks pregnant, the average baby is about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard. Last week your baby may have weighed over 6 pounds and is continuing to add about half an ounce a day.
Your Baby: What Does 37 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
Wondering how your baby may be positioned at 37 weeks? Check out this illustration for a general idea of what you might see if you could take a peek inside:
Your Body at 37 Weeks Pregnant
At 37 weeks pregnant, your cervix may begin to dilate. When this starts to happen, you may lose the seal that protected your uterus from infection throughout your pregnancy. This seal is known as the mucus plug.
If, at 37 weeks pregnant, you notice some extra vaginal discharge that is clear, pinkish, or slightly bloody, this may be the mucus plug. Seeing this mucus discharge is an indication that labor is starting or is not far off. Keep in mind that you can lose the mucus plug hours, days, or even weeks before labor begins. Some pregnant people don’t notice it at all. Losing your mucus plug or having a little spotting isn't unusual around 37 weeks pregnant; however, if you notice severe bleeding now or at any time during your pregnancy, contact your healthcare provider. At 37 weeks, if you do notice the mucus plug on your underwear or on the toilet paper after you wipe, or if you are unsure if this means your labor has started, you may want to call your healthcare provider for advice on what to do next. Twins and triplets are more likely to be born earlier than a single baby, so keep an eye out for signs of labor if you’re 37 weeks pregnant with twins or more.
37 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
At 37 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Pelvic pain or pressure. Is your baby sitting lower in your pelvis these days? This dropping—also called lightening or engagement—can occur a few weeks before your baby is born, and you might notice it if you feel a little extra pressure on your lower abdomen. This type of pelvic pain may even make it hard to walk around 37 weeks pregnant. If pelvic pain and pressure or lower back and hip pain are causing you discomfort at 37 weeks pregnant, a warm bath may provide some relief. Contact your healthcare provider for more advice on what to do to relieve pelvic or lower back pain.
Shortness of breath. If your baby hasn’t dropped yet, they might be pressing up against your lungs, making breathing a little more difficult. Try to rest more, move slowly, and sit or stand up straight to help give your lungs more room to expand with each breath. Once your baby “drops” lower into your pelvis, this may take some pressure off your lungs and diaphragm, making it easier for you to breathe.
Nausea. Some pregnant people experience nausea around 37 weeks pregnant. Try to eat four or five smaller meals instead of three larger meals. Bland foods like rice, toast, or bananas can also help get you through these bouts of nausea. If you experience severe nausea or vomiting around 37 weeks pregnant, contact your healthcare provider.
Snoring. This one might not trouble you as much as your partner. Most pregnant people go through some breathing changes during pregnancy thanks to hormonal changes, and toward the end of their journey, some snoring is not uncommon as the mucus membranes in the nasal passages tend to dry out. Make sure you’re staying hydrated and use a humidifier in your bedroom if your partner starts to complain about your snoring.
Unstable on your feet. By now, your pregnancy weight gain means your center of gravity has shifted, making it easier for you to lose your balance. This extra weight from your baby, the placenta, amniotic fluid, and more can make it challenging to move around. Once your baby drops lower into your pelvis, the distribution of your weight may even change again, so be extra careful whenever you’re on your feet! To keep yourself steady, stand with your feet pointed in the same direction with your weight balanced evenly on both feet. Try not to tilt your pelvis forward or backward, and avoid lifting or carrying heavy or bulky items.
Contractions. At 37 weeks pregnant, you could start to feel contractions that you might recognize as being similar to period-like cramping. If you feel your stomach tightening (contractions) around 37 weeks pregnant but there’s little to no pain, and if the contractions are erratic and go away when you move or change positions, they are likely Braxton Hicks. But, if you feel contractions that occur regularly, get progressively stronger, and don’t subside if you move or change positions, you’ll want to call your healthcare provider for advice. It's helpful to time your contractions and have this information ready to give your provider on the phone. Learn how to time contractions here.
How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 37 Weeks?
In this final month of pregnancy, your uterus will finish expanding—so, your belly might be as big as it gets at 37 weeks! When your pregnancy started, your uterus may have weighed around 2 ounces, whereas now, it may weigh about 2 ½ pounds.
What Does 37 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
For a general idea of what your belly might look like at 37 weeks pregnant, take a look at the image below.
37 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
As your due date gets closer and closer, here are a few things to consider:
There are various birthing positions and comfort measures that can help during labor and delivery. Some require equipment such as a birthing bed, chair, pool, or ball. It’s a good idea to ask ahead of time what’s available at your hospital or birth center. Also, try to keep an open mind; once you’re in labor, what you actually find comfortable might be different from what you expected.
Research your options for feeding your baby. Learn all you can about breastfeeding and formula feeding before your baby arrives. Your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant (the La Leche League website can help you find one in your area) can offer information and advice.
If you haven’t already purchased one, you’ll need a rear-facing infant car seat properly installed in time for your baby’s trip home from the hospital. Make sure the car seat you buy meets all safety standards. A new seat is the safest option; if you’ll be using a hand-me-down car seat from a friend or family member or re-using a car seat you used with one of your older children, make sure it’s in good condition and is still within the expiration date set by the manufacturer. Find out more about how to choose the best car seat; if you need any help installing your baby’s car seat, check with your local fire department or look for a certified Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technician in your area.
You may want to ask some trusted friends, neighbors, or family members to help out with things like grocery shopping, laundry, or looking after your older children or family pets in the first few weeks with your newborn. Make a list of what you might need so your helpers know what they can do to lighten the load.
Around this time, your healthcare provider may offer a Group B streptococcus (better known as group B strep or simply GBS) test. This routine test (which is usually done by your provider taking a swab of your vagina and rectum) checks whether you carry the GBS bacteria. If your test result is positive, your provider will be able to advise what treatment you’ll need to ensure your baby doesn’t come in contact with the bacteria during birth, should you give birth vaginally.
You may be wondering when your pregnancy will be considered full-term. You can read up all about it in our article on full-term pregnancy, but essentially, your pregnancy will be considered full term at the start of 39 weeks. Between now and then, your baby still has lots of developing to do. You don’t have too long to wait, though—you’re only weeks away from meeting your newborn!
Knowing what might occur in the first few minutes and hours after your baby is born may help you feel more confident and in control. We’ve curated a list of articles that might be interesting for you at this time:
37 Weeks Pregnant: Questions for Your Healthcare Provider
Here are some questions you might like to ask your healthcare provider at 37 weeks:
What happens if my baby doesn’t turn into the head-down position? And will I have a 37-week ultrasound to check their position?
What happens at a 37-week appointment?
Under what circumstances might I need a cesarean section?
Is my birth partner allowed to be with me when I give birth? What if I have a cesarean section?
How many people can I have with me during labor?
What happens right after I give birth?
How long am I likely to stay in the hospital after I give birth, and what happens during that time?
What are some symptoms not to ignore at 37 weeks pregnant? Contact your healthcare provider if you notice any signs of high blood pressure or preeclampsia when you’re 37 weeks pregnant, such as a persistent headache, swelling of your face or hands, spots or changes in your vision, or difficulty breathing.
What should I do if I have lower back pain and cramping but no contractions at 37 weeks pregnant?
37 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
You can use this checklist to help you along on your journey:
If you haven’t already done so, pack your hospital bag. The big day could be just around the corner!
Stock your freezer with meals you can simply heat up. After your baby is born, you might not have time to cook.
Finish setting up your baby’s nursery and get any baby essentials you haven’t bought yet at 37 weeks pregnant. Keep in mind that most babies don’t arrive exactly on their due date and that yours could come early.
Consider getting a waterproof sheet to protect your mattress in case your water happens to break while you’re asleep.
If you see breastfeeding or pumping in your future, make sure you have several quality nursing bras.
Consider setting up a comfortable “feeding station” in your baby’s nursery or elsewhere in your home. For example, you might like to buy a comfy nursery glider, place a lamp or night light next to it, and have a nursing pillow and a quilt on hand to help you feel comfortable. Some parents also have a nursing basket nearby with supplies like tissues, burp cloths, nipple cream (if you’re planning to breastfeed), and snacks for you.
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If you have a little downtime this week, take a look at the best baby gear as selected and voted on by Pampers Parents. You might already have a lot of what you’ll need, but you may like to check out some feeding essentials (and nice-to-haves) like the best baby bottles.
How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.